The annual season of African music and culture in Germany is slowly, slowly.. drawing to a close. Here are Festivals you don’t want to miss before the season ends:
Afrika Tag Berlin
7 September/ Berlin, Spandau Rathaus
Africa is guest in the City Hall of Spandau and it presents cultural messages from the sunny continent. With the project “Together for Diversity”, the event will provide information to children and youth about African countries and their cultures.
Afrika Filmtage Wuppertal
19-29 September /Wuppertal, REX-Filmtheater
This year’s focus is on “Political causes of flight”. A total of 10 films from Mali, Ghana, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, Burkina Faso and Somalia will be shown and it is expected that seven directors and filmmakers will be able to present their films at the festival.
Afrika Film Festival Köln
19 – 29 September /Cologne
In its 15th year and the biggest of its kind in Germany, the festival will present 80 films from 25 African countries and play hosts to 30 international filmmakers this year. In addition to the screenings, podium discussions, featuring directors, will debate the current standing of the African filmmaking world.
FilmInitiativ Köln e.V. has organised the festival themed Jenseits von Europa – Filme aus Afrika (Out of Europe – Films from Africa) since 1992. More than 500 films from 40 African countries have been shown in Cologne at the biennial festival and the film specials held during the years in between.
Woka Kuma Festival Berlin
Culture and music and art from Burkina Faso!
26 – 29 September/Berlin, different venues
Dance workshop, live concert, discussions etc.
Stimmen Afrikas Festival (Voices of Africa in Germany)
6-9 November/Cologne, Allerweltshaus
Readings, lectures, audience discussions, workshops and music performances. Among the over 40 authors and translators expected are Mukoma wa Ngugi, Zukiswa Wanner, Boubakar Boris Diop, Susan Kiguli, and Paul Bandia