Berlin Exhibition showcases Fashion, Art and Design from Africa

It was a mammoth crowd, which you would normally expect at a big music concert or sports event, that turned out Friday for the opening of Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design. The venue was the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts) in Berlin.

The exhibition, holding from 24 August – 1 December 2019, showcases ‘Fashion, Art, Design, Music, Writing and Film coming out of Africa and the African Diaspora and feature the names and faces behind the creative output’.


Staged on three floors of the massive museum building, the exhibition should go down as the biggest of its kind devoted to an African theme in Germany. The team behind the event, led by Beatrice Angut Oola of African Fashion Now, offers rare insights into the multi-dimensionality of African fashion – revealing its political, economic, historical and even spiritual characters.


On display are uncommon textile stuffs to hairs and combs, from hip-hop dresses to video documentaries into the world of the African fashion creatives, and many more.

This was a section of the crowd that witnessed the opening of the exhibition ‘Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design’ on Friday. The venue was the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts) in Berlin / Photo: Femi Awoniyi


The months-long exhibition, which features a range of events such as runway shows and fashion panels, promotes the African creative industries in Germany and Europe to open new commercial possibilities to them.

READ ALSO Photo exhibition on German colonialism in Cameroon holding in Berlin

Please take time with you when visiting the exhibition to be able to really appreciate its many-sided messages. This is a massive exhibition!

Femi Awoniyi (All Photos)


Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design

24 August – 1 December 2019

Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin


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