Fela Durotoye declares candidacy for Nigeria’s presidential election 2019

Fela Durotoye, a consulting guru, leadership coach and public speaker, says he will be running for president, come 2019. It’s a move that will excite the political terrain in Nigeria, clamouring for a new generation of leaders to transform Africa’s most populous country.

The 46-year-old declared his intentions on Thursday in Lagos, adding that he had researched all the national parties for a few months and has settled for the Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN).

“In line with our Values one of which is to ‘be a role model worthy of emulation’, I had to decide to get involved in the political arena rather than staying on the sidelines and only challenging others to go in,” he said.

“It is my hope that as I step unto the political scene, many more of our brightest and best will arise to heed our nation’s clarion call to contest for elective offices, win the elections, and most importantly collectively deliver good governance to our nation.”

The 46-year-old declared his intentions on Thursday in Lagos, adding that he had researched all the national parties for a few months and has settled for the Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN).


He said the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) cannot deliver a new Nigeria.

“Therefore, to be clear, I am aspiring to contest as a Presidential Candidate in the 2019 General Elections. A lot of people have asked me ‘FD, what party will you be running on? Is it APC or PDP?’

“Whilst it is true that these parties may have formidable grassroots structures, I strongly doubt that these old parties with their old ideology (of God-Fatherism also known as Selectocracy, Rulership, Money Politricks etc) would be able to deliver to us a New Nigeria.

“And so, over the last few months, I have researched into several political parties to determine if their ideologies, vision and values resonate with those we share together on this Network.

“I am glad to announce that one party has resonated more with me than any other; sharing common ideology, principles, and a truly democratic internal process, that is open for all to aspire.

“The party that provides a level playing field for the best candidate to emerge at all levels of legislature and executive office. That party, ladies and gentlemen is the Alliance for New Nigeria.

The candidacy of Durotoye (3rd from right), a gifted speaker with a large following among young Nigerians, is expected to have an impact on youth participation in politics in Nigeria / Photo: FD/Facebook


“Today 22nd of February, 2018, I formalise my membership with the Alliance for New Nigeria, and become a member of this great party. I believe it is safe to have found my political home, and I truly believe this will be the home for all nation builders.”

Fela Durotoye is a graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, where he obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with economics, as well as a master’s degree in business administration.

He is also an Alumnus of Kennedy School of Government Executive Education program of the prestigious Harvard University, Boston (Massachusetts).

Nigerian leaders, including former President Olusegun Obasanjo, have been calling on young Nigerians to join the political terrain and effect a leadership transformation in the country. Durotoye’s entry into the presidential race is expected to inspire young Nigerian to take a more active interest in how their land is governed.

Observers believe that Durotoye’s candidacy may finally wake up the young generation to their historical duty of making their impact more felt in the Nigeria’s governance system.

Kola Tella

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