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Frankfurt hosts international fair for music business

Retailers, professionals, musicians and music lovers will converge in the German business city of Frankfurt from 4-8 April. They will attend this year’s Musikmesse (5 to 8 April 2017) and Prolight + Sound (4 to 7 April 2017). Both international trade fairs exhibit product innovations that make the world ring with music – and turn an event into a spectacular …

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‘‘The UK is the most corrupt country in the world,” anti-mafia journalist Roberto Saviano claims

The UK is the most corrupt country on earth, using Gibraltar, Jersey and other territories to funnel dirty cash. That’s the view of anti-mafia journalist Roberto Saviano who claims the financial services industry in London facilitates worldwide criminal capitalism. ‘‘Transparency groups have shown this with irrefutable data. The UK is already the most, without doubt, the most corrupt country in …

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Nigerians abroad commend Senate for passing Diaspora Commission Bill

Nigerians living outside the country have praised the passing of the Diaspora Commission Bill by the Senate. The Bill, after the President has assented to it, provides for the establishment of the Nigerian Citizens in Diaspora Commission to ensure the protection of Nigerians in Diaspora, and promote and facilitate their effective participation in economic, political and social development of the nation. …

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