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Cameroon footballers ordered to leave Russia for staying illegally

Fifteen footballers from Cameroon and one from Belgium have been detained in the Crimean village of Ordzhonikidze for attempting to stay in the country illegally. The players from FC Yaounde II, the second string of Cameroon premier division side FC Yaounde, were taking part in the Open Winter Cup organized by the Crimean Football Union (CFU) in February. For the …

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Germany set to introduce highway tolls

Germany’s upper house of the federal parliament Bundesrat has approved the federal government’s plan to make drivers pay for using the country’s highways. Neighbouring countries have threatened to take legal action. Ben Knight reports. The Bundesrat finally passed Germany’s highway toll bill on Friday. The upper house of the German parliament, made up of the 16 state governments, voted for …

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African women in Germany speak out at first-ever conference

Overcoming barriers is part of every immigrant’s struggle. African women living in Germany have been sharing their experiences in a meeting intended to boost morale and better equip them to deal with life here. Abu-Bakarr Jalloh of Deutsche Welle (DW) reports. A group of women in colourful African dresses danced and sang songs familiar to everyone present. They were neither …

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