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Former Gambian interior minister and Jammeh’s top aide arrested in Switzerland

Following the revelations of his active role in the repressive regime of ousted president, Yahya Jammeh, former Gambian interior minister, Ousman Sonko, has been arrested by the Swiss authorities. Sonko was arrested yesterday, 26 January in an asylum centre in Berlin following a case of crimes against humanity filed against him by the human rights organisation TRIAL International. The Geneva-based …

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African leaders give Germany’s Marshall Plan ‘thumbs up’ at Davos

Germany’s ‘Marshall Plan’, which calls for an equal partnership to industrialize Africa, has received positive feedback among African business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, which took place from 17-20 January. But some are a bit wary, reports Martina Schwikowski. Germany’s Marshall Plan with Africa has received a lot of praise but also criticism. Some call the economic plan too …

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Top minister in ex-Gambian leader Jammeh’s regime seeks asylum in Switzerland

Ousman Sonko, a top member of the repressive Gambian regime of ousted president, Yahya Jammeh, has applied for refugee protection in Switzerland, Bern’s police chief confirmed on Wednesday, 25 January. Sonko, a former long-serving interior minister, has been staying in an asylum centre in Bern since November 2016, police chief Hans-Juerg Kaeser said. The ex-minister, who fled Gambia after Jammeh …

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