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Opinion: Panama papers, Jacob Zuma and corruption in Africa

Where corruption is involved, African leaders seem to be utterly beyond shock. Black folks in office often regard as normal business the kind of infractions that draw alarm and apologetic resignations in other parts of the world.

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Opinion: The Current Migration Debate – Resetting the Frame

Images of people escaping their homes to search for safety have in a very short amount of time become part of our daily routine. The most severe humanitarian crisis since the Second World War is challenging nation states as well as civil society organisations and reinforces the question of immigration with a vehemence, which for a long time has not …

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Hollande withdraws bill to revoke French nationality of terrorists

The controversial bill passed by French parliament in February making it possible to revoke the citizenship of people convicted on terrorism charges has been withdrawn by President Francois Hollande. The action followed the rejection of the bill by the Senate on 30 March. The bill, presented by Prime minister Manuel Valls in the wake of the Paris attacks of last …

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