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EU countries should mutually recognise asylum decisions — European Commission

In order to increase the number of deportations of rejected asylum-seekers, the EU states should mutually recognise such decisions, according to the European Commission. Today, an asylum-seeker rejected in one EU country can simply move on to another EU country and start the application process again there, said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson in Strasbourg on Tuesday. “This …

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Saxony wants to attract more students from abroad

Saxony, one of Germany’s 16 federal states, wants to attract more students from abroad and, if possible, retain them later as skilled workers. Universities receive support in identifying target regions for recruiting students, said Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow (CDU) in a government statement in the state parliament on Wednesday in the capital city, Dresden. Special importance is attached to the …

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Germany considers sending asylum-seekers to North Africa

The German government has appointed a special representative on migration who is expected to negotiate with major origin countries of refugees in Germany. Joachim Stamp was named early March as Germany’s first-ever “Special representative of the federal government for migration agreements.” He’s been saddled with the responsibility of finding a solution to the about 250,000 rejected asylum-seekers who are tolerated …

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