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Angela Merkel wins UN refugee agency award

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel was named winner of the prestigious Nansen Award for offering a haven to those fleeing violence at the height of the Syrian conflict, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Tuesday. Merkel, who stepped down last year after 16 years as head of government, welcomed the desperate Syrians at the height of the conflict in …

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Germany: Non-EU citizens to be allowed to immigrate for work soon — Minister

Federal Labour Minister Hubertus Heil has announced an imminent reform of Germany’s immigration law to address the shortage of skilled workers in the country. The shortage of skilled workers has risen to a new high in Germany, affecting 49.7 percent of companies in July, according to the ifo Institute. Germany would have to pull out all the stops to secure …

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David Alaba named Austria’s Sportsman of the Year

David Alaba has once again been voted “Sportsman of the Year” in Austria. It’s the third time in his career (after 2013 and 2014) that the professional footballer would be bestowed with the honour. The winner is chosen in a poll conducted by the members of the Austrian Sports Journalists Association. Alaba is the eighth athlete to be named Austria’s …

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