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Germany to grant residence permit to tolerated asylum-seekers

The federal government plans to reform the country’s migration laws. Among the features of the reform is the grant under certain conditions of regular residence permit to well-integrated asylum-seekers who have been living in Germany for more than five years with a so-called ‘tolerated stay permit’ (Duldung). A total of up to 105,000 people, whose deportation has been repeatedly suspended …

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European Bank provides €75 million for vaccine production in Africa

European Investment Bank provides €75 million to Institut Pasteur de Dakar for new vaccine manufacturing facility. The facility is expected to significantly reduce Africa’s dependence on imported vaccines and support equal access to vaccines DAKAR, Senegal, June 3, 2022/ — Large-scale financing for the new vaccine manufacturing facility of the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, a leader in the field in …

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Germany raises minimum wage significantly

Excellent news for all workers in Germany. The federal parliament, the Bundestag, on Friday passed a bill raising minimum wage from 8.82 euros to 9.82 euros per hour from 1 July and to 12 euros on 1 October. The increase will affect 6.2 million people, out of an active working population of 45.2 million people. The bill was passed by …

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