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Opinion: Why elections are failing in Africa

The year 2021 has been characterized by thirteen elections in Africa – in Uganda, Niger, Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Benin, Chad, Ethiopia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Zambia, Somalia, Cabo Verde, Gambia, and Libya. Of these 13 elections, only those in Zambia, Cabo Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe could be considered free and fair. Why are elections failing in Africa? …

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Stricter COVID-19 rules: What now applies and where in Germany

In view of the high infection figures and the new coronavirus variant omicron, the federal states are again tightening their coronavirus pandemic containment rules. From 28 December, an upper limit of ten persons, usually aged 14 and over, will be in force in all federal states. This applies, for example, for private meetings at home or in public as well …

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Maisha celebrates 25th anniversary in Frankfurt

Maisha – African Women in Germany e.V. recently celebrated 25 years of its existence in Frankfurt. Maisha, which means “life” in Swahili, is a self-help organisation of African women in Germany founded in 1996 by Virginia Wangare Greiner. The occasion, attended by members as well as friends and partners of the organisation, was a milestone for self-organisation in the African …

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