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How to reduce the human toll of climate crises in Africa – African expert

As world leaders gather for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021, an African expert explains how insurance could achieve four times the impact of post-disaster aid in the continent —— By Amadou Diallo, Regional Disaster Risk Financing Coordinator, Crisis Anticipation and Risk Financing at Start Network DAKAR, …

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Record number of MPs with migration background in new Bundestag

The newly-elected German Bundestag, the lower house of the federal parliament, convened for the first time on Tuesday (26 October). The inaugural meeting of the parliament, taking place about four weeks after the general elections, marked the official start of the 20th legislative period. The parliament held its first session, with one of its first acts being to elect Bärbel …

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Why Africa must close its science and technology gap – Former President of Mauritius

“How can a continent with the largest share of arable land, a continent with the youngest population, a continent that has fueled all of the world’s industrial revolution, a continent that has helped drive the mobile phone industry, a continent that is at the cusp of supporting the world’s energy transition to greener technology with a large store of rare earth deposits accept such dismal statistics?”

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