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Prominent Nigerian traditional leader visits Germany, speaks on separatist agitations

A prominent Nigerian traditional leader, Iba Gani Adams, who is the 15th Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, recently visited Germany. Though Chief Adams was on a private visit with his family, he nevertheless took time to interact with members of the Nigerian community in Southwest Germany under the auspices of the Egbe Omo Yoruba in Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Heidelberg. At …

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African elected Mayor of German town

Dr Joy Alemazung has won the election for mayor of the city of Heubach, near Stuttgart, with an outstanding result on Sunday. The Cameroon-born politician, who ran as an independent candidate, won a whopping 66.22% of the popular vote, resoundingly defeating more than six other contestants. Speaking to the inhabitants and the press on Sunday evening after his election, the …

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Germany: Traffic offences to become more expensive as Bundesrat approves new regulations

The Bundesrat, the upper chamber of the federal parliament, has approved the long-discussed amendments to the catalogue of fines (Bußgeldkatalog), which regulates what penalty is imposed for which traffic offence in Germany. Speeding and parking violations will now be particularly expensive as from mid-November when the amendments enter into effect. —— As part of the long-discussed reform of the Road …

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