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Nigerian awarded German national honour by President Steinmeier

A Nigerian, who has been living in Germany for more than four decades, has been awarded the country’s national honour, Bundesverdienstkreuz. Akinbode Akinbiyi, a Berlin-based photographer, author and curator, was one of the 14 citizens conferred with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on 1 October to mark …

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New insurance policy will protect people in Senegal from drought

DAKAR, Senegal, 7 October 2021 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- A global network of humanitarian agencies, including Catholic Relief Services, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger, Plan, Oxfam and World Vision, have signed a climate risk insurance policy that will protect up to 160,000 people in Senegal from the effects of drought. One of the first of its kind, the policy will …

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WHO approves first malaria vaccine in history

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has approved the first malaria vaccine in history. WHO experts concluded that the vaccine, Mosquirix, could save tens of thousands of lives every year, saying “the real-world test of the jab showed it prevented 30% of severe cases of malaria even in areas with high uptake of other measures, such as bed nets impregnated with insecticide.” …

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