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Experts discuss African Union and the Sahara Issue in Accra

The Imperative of Economic Recovery: How can the Resolution of the Sahara Issue Strengthen Africa’s Regional and Continental Integration? Experts proffer solutions in Accra On 27 July 2021, Imani Center for Policy and Education, a Ghanaian Think Tank held a seminar, in Accra, on the topic: “The Imperative of Economic Recovery: How can the Resolution of the Sahara Issue Strengthen …

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New children’s book explores famous Nigerian festival

Spurred by the obvious lack of quality children’s books for kids of African descent growing up in the diapora, authors have been striving for several years to fill the yawning gap. Berlin-based Nigerian journalist and writer Lolade Adewuyi has now made a very rich addition to the growing library for African children. His The Lost Little Masquerade is a story …

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What African enterprises need to know about the next ten years — CEO, SAP Africa

By Cathy Smith, Managing Director at SAP Africa Are African enterprises at risk of extinction, just as millions of natural species face extinction due to the impact of climate change? Businesses and countries across the continent are attempting to rebuild following the devastating economic impact of the pandemic. It is perhaps an opportune time to take stock of whether we …

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