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Germany’s shutdown extension – Overview of the measures

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of the federal states (Länder) after a crucial meeting on Tuesday agreed on new corona pandemic containment measures in Germany. Among them are a lockdown extension and new, stricter rules on the types of masks that must be worn in certain public places. An overview of the new measures. — Extension of the lockdown …

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Germany: Armin Laschet elected leader of CDU

Armin Laschet, the premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, has been elected chairman of Germany’s governing Christian Democrats (CDU). Laschet (59) defeated Friedrich Merz by 521 votes to 466 in a run-off vote at an online-only party conference on Saturday. A third candidate, Norbert Röttgen was eliminated in a first round of voting. Laschet’s victory puts him in a strong position to …

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Museveni wins Uganda’s presidential election

President Yoweri Museveni has been declared winner of the 2021 Presidential election by the country’s electoral commission. According to the commission on Saturday (16 January), Museveni won a sixth term in office with 58.6 percent of the vote, in an election disputed by his main rival Bobi Wine who trailed with 34.8 percent. “The electoral commission declares Yoweri Museveni… elected …

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