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Congress clears way for Biden’s inauguration, Trump pledges ‘orderly transition’

After the disruption of its joint session on Wednesday, the United States Congress has reconvened and affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory over President Donald Trump at the November 2020 elections. The counting of Vermont’s three electoral votes during the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes, at 8pm ET, put Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris over the 270-threshold …

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Former Nigerian president advises US leaders over peaceful transition

Against the background of the mayhem caused by supporters of President Donald Trump in Washington on Wednesday, former President Goodluck Jonathan has issued a press statement addressed to American leaders. The US capital was engulfed in chaos as Trump supporters breached the hallowed chambers of Congress to stop the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes that will confirm President-elect Joe …

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Essential information about the lockdown extension in Germany

Because of the persistently high coronavirus infection rates in the country, Germany’s state and federal governments resolved on Tuesday to extend the lockdown rules in the country. In addition to the extension of the shutdown, the latest resolution also contains an expansion of the containment measures. Accordingly, the current lockdown regulations, which have been in effect since 16 December and …

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