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Libya: 1,000 migrants intercepted at sea and returned to Libya in 3 days

In a sign that it may become increasingly difficult to cross the Mediterranean on boat, a major route of irregular migration to Europe from Africa, Libya’s coast guard intercepted about 1,000 migrants and returned them to Libya within three days in the past week. From Sunday until Tuesday, a total of 935 migrants who tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea …

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Coronavirus: More than 21,000 new infections in Germany in a single day

Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly in Germany. The number of registered new infections has reached a new record level of 21,506 cases within one day on Thursday. It was the highest single-day rise since the pandemic began, according to the country’s centre for disease prevention, Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI), in its report on Friday morning . Thursday’s caseload was an increase by …

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The Unbearable Predicament for LBGT Asylum-Seekers in the UK and Europe

An unfortunate effect of COVID-19, to include on the already long list, is that news stories which would usually make the headlines are either not being reported or are consigned to the back pages. What can happen is that governments then feel able to ignore important issues safe in the knowledge that they may be less likely to be challenged.

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