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COVID-19: The New Lockdown Measures in Germany

To contain the corona pandemic, the Federal Government and the States (Länder) have decided on a nationwide partial lockdown in Germany. It will apply from Monday, 2 November, until the end of the month, according to a resolution of a virtual meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the state premiers on Wednesday. The so-called nationwide “lockdown light” is a less …

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Tanzania votes as President Magufuli seeks second term

Tanzanians headed to the polls on Wednesday for presidential and parliamentary elections. More than 29 million people are registered to vote out of 58 million citizens. They will choose from 15 presidential candidates and elect lawmakers for 264 parliamentary seats. President John Magufuli is seeking another five-year term on the platform of the ruling party CCM, which has governed the …

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Africans have highest criminal conviction rates in Switzerland

According to a new report of the Swiss news agency Keystone, residents from the former Yugoslavia are the most frequently convicted of crimes in Switzerland in absolute numbers. However, measured per 1,000 inhabitants, South West Africans, West Africans and North Africans, in that order, are the most frequently convicted. Quoting the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Keystone reported on Tuesday …

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