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Germany: New Laws and Regulations in October 2020

Some new laws and regulations enter into effect in October. As the number of coronavirus infections is significantly rising again, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of the Länder (federal states) have agreed on new measures to contain the pandemic while subsidy for dental prostheses will be increased. Moreover, the second instalment of the child bonus will be paid in …

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African Court orders Côte d’Ivoire to allow Gbagbo contest presidential election

The African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Court) ruled on Friday to reject the exclusion of former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo from the country’s upcoming presidential elections of 31 October — ordering the Ivorian state to “take all necessary measures to immediately remove all obstacles” hindering his participation in the race. The Ivorian Constitutional Council found the absence …

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Germany: Many non-EU foreign residents in temporary or marginal employment

More than one third (34.4 percent) of the employed among non-EU foreigners living in Germany were in so-called atypical employment in 2019, the Federal Statistical Office has reported. This means that they either worked on fixed-term contracts, less than 20 hours per week, are marginally employed or in temporary work. By contrast, only 17.9 percent of the core labour force …

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