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Towards Wakanda – Chadwick Boseman’s passing and the power of Afrofuturism

Chadwick Boseman, who played T’Challa in the blockbuster movie Black Panther, died on 28 August of cancer. He was 43. The film’s vision of Afrofuturism and the technologically advanced civilisation of Wakanda resonated with audiences worldwide, who helped propel Black Panther to more than $1.3 billion in global revenue. Since the death of Boseman, the Black world has been talking again …

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Travelling to Nigeria? Here’s what you should know

On 3 September 2020, the Nigerian government specified the relevant coronavirus containment protocols for the resumption of international commercial flights at the Lagos and Abuja airports on 5 September 2020. The Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, also released the list of foreign airlines allowed to fly in and out of Nigeria while speaking at the bi-weekly briefing of the Presidential …

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