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Covid-19: More than 1 million infected cases in Africa – WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO), Regional Office for Africa located in Brazzaville, Congo, says there are over one million confirmed COVID-19 cases on the African continent. The UN health agency gave the update on its regional official Twitter account @WHOAFRO on Friday. WHO stated on its dashboard that “there are over 1,000,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases on the African continent – …

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Covid-19: Entering Germany from ‘high-risk’ countries – What you should know

Since Saturday, 8 August, mandatory testing applies to those entering the country from coronavirus high-risk countries and regions. Here’s how it functions: —– To whom does the mandatory test apply? In principle, every person who has been in a high-risk area in the last 14 days before entering the Federal Republic of Germany must be tested for the coronavirus. This …

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Black and German. Black German. An Oxymoron? Two concepts excluding each other?

Our contributing editor Eleonore Wiedenroth-Coulibaly reviews a book that impressively explores the roots of German concepts about race and race relations and their impact on the German perception of people of African descent in the course of history —— Schwarze Deutsche. Der Diskurs um Rasse und nationale Identität 1890 – 1933 (Black Germany. A discussion about Race and National Identity) …

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