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George Floyd: We should focus on Afrophobia – Zentralrat’s statement

The following is the statement issued by the Zentralrat der afrikanischen Gemeinde in Deutschland (Central Council of the African Community in Germany or ZAGD), an umbrella body for African associations in Germany, on the worldwide protests on the police murder of George Floyd on 25 May in the American city of Minneapolis. ———– Police Violence, Racism and Afrophobia! We, the …

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How we can break up racist structures — Speech by Bob Hooda in Dresden

Speech by Bob Hooda, founder of  power4africa e.V., at the demonstration against racism tagged “I can’t breath” in Dresden on Saturday, 6 June —— As the lawyer of the Floyd family said, the corona pandemic is not the reason why we gathered here today. Another type of pandemic brought us here today, which has been up to mischief in our …

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Black Lives Matter: Dresden is silent against racism

Tens of thousands of people joined Black Lives Matter protests across Germany on Saturday (6 June) against the police murder of George Floyd on 25 May in the US city of Minneapolis. According to The African Network of Germany (TANG), more than 200,000 protesters took part at rallies, which also drew attention to racism and discrimination against people of African …

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