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Opinion: Why Africans should not be angry with China over mistreatment

The maltreatment of African residents in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou last week is poisoning popular attitude to the Chinese not only across Africa, but also in the global African diaspora. Even though Beijing has denied any racism in the coronavirus-related incident and has pledged to improve its treatment of Africans in the country, the anger of Africans is …

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Coronavirus: Government support for African entrepreneurs in Germany

TANG, a network of hundreds of African organisations and individual members in Germany, is inviting African entrepreneurs in the country to a video conference on how to access government support within the framework of the social protection package introduced in response to the corona crisis. The organisation provides information on the relief package and how African business people can apply …

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Coronavirus: Ghanaian Diaspora recommends measures to deal with pandemic

Representatives of Ghanaian communities – from Italy, USA, Spain, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Japan and Ireland, took part at a meeting by conference call on Saturday (11 April) to discuss possible sustainable measures to adopt in dealing with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) within their respective communities. Below is the official report issued by …

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