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New Berlin airport to finally open next October

Germany’s long-delayed Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) is set to finally be operational on October 31, 2020, nine years after it was supposed to open, reports Elizabeth Schumacher. Berlin’s long-delayed airport has a new opening date, operators announced on Friday (28 November), following a series of scandals involving corruption and shoddy design. The problem-plagued project has become something of a laughing stock …

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Germany: Changes in laws and regulations from December 2019

A few new laws and regulations come into force in Germany in December 2019. Some of the important changes affect Hartz IV recipients, fireworks, railway time-table and highway tolls for travellers to Austria. ………… More money for Hartz IV recipients  Starting from next year, the standard rates for Unemployment Benefit II – better known as Hartz IV – will be …

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Nigeria spent more than $4 billion to import rice, wheat, others in 12 months

No less than N1.3 trillion ($4.3 billion or €3.8 billion) was spent by the Nigeria on the importation of rice, fish, sugar and wheat in the last 12 months, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said on Tuesday. The bank’s Deputy Governor, Corporate Services, Edward Lametek, spoke at a seminar organised for Finance reporters in Owerri, Imo State. Speaking on …

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