German company apologises over ‘racist’ post about newly-wed Meghan Markle

A sweets manufacturer in Germany has apologised for comparing Meghan Markle to a chocolate-covered marshmallow.

Super Dickmann’s posted the controversial image on Facebook on 19 May, the same day that the former US actress married British royal Prince Harry.

The image was accompanied with the caption: “What are you looking at? Wouldn’t you also want to be Meghan today?”

Many people considered the post racist and it was deleted but images of it have continued to circulate on social media.

Meghan Markle, a biracial American, married Prince Harry on Saturday in a wedding ceremony watched by millions of people around the world. Many commentators and media outlets focused on Markle’s African-American ethnicity in the run-up to the event / Photo: Screenshot/BBC


Spokesman of the company said in a statement: “We regret the associations triggered by this post and can assure you that these associations were not intended. We can only explain this unfortunate post by thoughtlessness and apologise accordingly.”

Super Dickmann’s is a brand of the popular Schokokuss sweet, which is marshmallow with a coating of chocolate. Links between the Schokokuss and racism are not new as older generations in Germany and elsewhere used to call it “Negerkuss” (“Negro kiss”) until protests from the Black and human rights communities pressured the company to change the name.

Markle, a biracial American, married Prince Harry on Saturday in a wedding ceremony watched by millions of people around the world. Many commentators and media outlets focused on Markle’s African-American ethnicity in the run-up to the event.

Vivian Asamoah

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