Re-registering after moving house, applying for parental allowance or getting married: citizens will be able to use more administrative services digitally from August/Photo: AfricanCourierMedia

Germany: New laws and other changes in August 2024

August 2024 brings numerous changes affecting various aspects of everyday life in Germany. Here is a comprehensive overview of the most important changes.

Submit your 2023 tax return on time!

One of the most important deadlines in August concerns the submission of tax returns for 2023. Anyone who prepares their own taxes must submit their return by 2 September 2024. As the original deadline of 31 August 2024 falls on a Saturday, the deadline is postponed to the next working day.

For taxpayers who are supported by a tax advisor or income tax assistance association, the deadline remains 2 June 2025.

It is important to adhere to the deadlines, otherwise you may incur late filing penalties. You should therefore make a note of the deadlines in August 2024:
• Submission deadline without a tax advisor: 2 September 2024
• Submission deadline with tax advisor: 2 June 2025

So, gather all the documents together in good time and submit your declaration.

New login method at Paypal: More protection for users

The payment service provider PayPal is introducing standardised two-factor authentication (2FA) for all users from August 2024. In addition to the already familiar methods such as passkey and authenticator apps, users can now also use the PayPal app or WhatsApp for two-factor authentication. These changes are intended not only to simplify the login process, but also to increase security. A step that is particularly important in times of increasing cybercrime.

Letter delivery to take longer

An amendment of the Postal Act, which will enter into effect in August, gives Deutsche Post more time to deliver letters. At present, at least 80 per cent of posted letters must reach the recipient on the next working day and 95 per cent on the day after that.

The new Postal Law Modernisation Act stipulates that there is only a mandatory value on the third working day after posting, namely 95 per cent. On the fourth working day, it should then be 99 per cent.
Letters will continue to be distributed six days a week.

The new regulation will enable the Deutsche Post to reduce costs and dispense with the domestic transport of letters by plane, which will also help to protect the climate. For consumers, this means that they will have to wait longer on average for a letter.

Other parts of the Act are about improving working conditions in the sector. For example, parcels weighing more than 20 kilograms will generally only be delivered by two people in future – unless suitable technical aids are available, in which case one-person delivery is also permitted.

What is also new is that private individuals and companies must affix a corresponding notice to parcels weighing more than 10 kg. The same applies to parcels weighing more than 20 kg.

In addition to logistics companies such as DHL, more service providers will be allowed to deliver parcels in future. The prerequisite for market access is that the companies (and subcontractors) adhere to the statutory regulations on working conditions. For example, employees may only work a maximum of 10 hours per day and must be paid at least the minimum wage.

BAföG reform: More money for students and pupils

There is good news for students and pupils: BAföG is being reformed. The basic requirement rates will increase by five per cent from 452 euros to 475 euros. The income allowances and the flat-rate housing allowance for students living away from home will rise from 360 to 380 euros.

Moreover, there will be increased allowances and a one-off study start-up grant of 1,000 euros under certain conditions. With the flexible semester, there is a one-off opportunity to continue receiving BAföG for one semester beyond the maximum funding period – without giving reasons.

These adjustments are intended to help more young people to finance their training or studies without having to take on excessive debt.

Training guarantee: every young person gets a chance

One of the most significant innovations is the introduction of a training guarantee. From August 2024, every young person is to be given the opportunity to complete a fully qualifying apprenticeship. This is an important step towards combating youth unemployment and offering young people better prospects for the future.

Extended training guarantee for young people

From 1 August 2024, anyone who is unable to find a company-based training place despite their best efforts will be entitled to external training.

Previously, this guarantee only applied to socially disadvantaged young people. Now those who live in regions with a lack of training places will also benefit. The Federal Employment Agency should then offer them an external training opportunity and – upon application – cover travel and accommodation costs for one to six-week vocational orientation internships.

Trainees who have had to relocate because their training takes place far away from home can receive the mobility allowance.

Recognition of work experience without qualification

From August 2024, employees will be able to have their professional experience recognised and certified without a formal training qualification. The prerequisite for this is that they are at least 25 years old and can demonstrate their skills in a practical test.

This is intended to make skills visible and easier to utilise in professional life. The law aims to pave the way for career changers to enter new professional fields.

Starting Opportunities Programme

The Starting Opportunities Programme aims to strengthen schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged pupils. A total of 20 billion euros is available to support around 4,000 schools in Germany.

Using more administrative services digitally

Re-registering after moving house, applying for parental allowance or getting married: citizens will be able to use more administrative services digitally from August. Business services are to become ‘digital only’. The Online Access Amendment Act creates the conditions for these new possibilities.

There will also be less paper in court processes. Henceforth, video conferencing technology will be used in civil courts to speed up proceedings. In the interests of citizen-centred justice, according to the federal government, it will also be possible to submit applications and statements via video and audio transmission in future.

Femi Awoniyi

READ ALSO New legal regulations in July 2024

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