Germany: Nominate your heroes for TANG Awards!

The biggest umbrella body of African associations in Germany is celebrating its 10th anniversary.

The African Network of Germany (TANG), comprising more than 900 non-profit groups and individuals, is not rolling out the drums only for its accomplishments to mark the event. It also wants to use the milestone to recognise people who are doing great things for the benefit of Africans in the country.

“It is a time of celebration, reflection and thanks to all the wonderful people who have enriched our community over the past ten years,” TANG said in a public announcement.

The organisation is using its anniversary celebrations to introduce the TANG Awards, “to recognize the exceptional contributions and commitment of our members and supporters in various categories.”

According to TANG, these awards are intended to honour those who have excelled in the areas of anti-Black racism, development cooperation, integration work, cultural work, political engagement at various levels, implementation of the UN Decade in Germany, among others.

TANG is calling for nominations for its awards. “Your nominations are critical to honouring those who are committed to the causes of TANG and our Afro-German community,” the organisation said. “Together, let’s take this opportunity to celebrate the people in our community who work tirelessly to advance our shared values and goals.”

The categories for the TANG Award are:
1. Engagement in the field of Anti-Black Racism.
2. Engagement in the field of Development Cooperation and Diaspora
3. Engagement in the field of Integration Work
4. Engagement in the field of Cultural Work
5. Engagement in the field of Politics at EU level
6. Engagement in the area of Politics at Federal Level
7. Engagement in the area of Politics at the State Level
8. Engagement in the area of Politics at the Local Level
9. Engagement in the area of implementation of the UN Decade in Germany
10. Engagement in the area of TANG Association Work

Nominations can be made by people with African origin as well as people without African origin in Germany who have a strong connection to Africa or are involved in a special way for or in Africa.
To nominate, send a short email with the name of the nominated person and a short reason for the nomination to latest by 10 November 2023.
The winners will be announced and awarded during TANG’s official anniversary celebration, planned to take place in late November or early December in Berlin.

Femi Awoniyi


The African Network in Germany (TANG) was founded in Berlin on 24-25 May 2013 with the goal to bring together people of African descent living in Germany to develop their full potential as a driving force in society. The organisation, consisting of more than 900 non-profit groups and individuals, has eleven regional networks across Germany. Dr Sylvie Nantcha was unanimously re-elected Chairperson of TANG in March.
More about TANG at

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