Germany should get serious about fighting anti-Black racism – Statement by TANG

The African Network of Germany (TANG) is currently carrying out a campaign against anti-Black racism on social media. The organisation explains in this press statement why Germany must act decisively now against discrimination against people of African descent in the country
Following the death of the African-American George Floyd after a brutal police operation in Minneapolis on 25 May, the world currently focuses its attention on racism in the United States. But there is also racism against Black people in Germany.

This is indicated by the action #beiunsauch, a campaign on social media initiated by The African Network of Germany e.V. (TANG) in collaboration with the Turkish Community of Germany (Türkische Gemeinde Deutschland or TGD), Each One Teach One (EOTO eV), the Federation of Immigrant Associations (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Immigrantenverbände or BAGIV), the educational initiative German Dream, the Kurdish community of Germany and more than 120 other migrant organisations.

Together they call on the federal government to focus on racism against Black people and to finally fight it decisively.

Dr Nantcha calls on the federal government to fight racism against people of African descent in Germany decisively. One hundred personalities in the Black community have already posted their statements on #beiunsauch.


“For example, the federal government did not mention racism against Black people in Germany in its recent 22-page report on the work of the Cabinet Committee against Right-Wing Extremism and Racism,” criticises Sylvie Nantcha, President of TANG.

When the “UN Decade for People of African Descent” was mentioned in the same paper, the term “People of African Descent” was simply omitted.

“More than 1 million people of African descent live in Germany. As a visible minority, Black people are particularly exposed to racism. They experience racial profiling, they find it difficult to find a place to live and work, are disadvantaged in schools and ignored by political decision makers,” says Dr Nantcha, describing the everyday  experiences of racism in Germany.

The representative study “Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey” conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights of 2017 shows that 14 percent of Black people in Germany have experienced racial profiling in the previous five years.

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“Black people also experience multiple discrimination in Germany. This issue must finally be taken seriously. We must continue to fight Martin Luther King’s fight until his dream becomes a reality worldwide! I have a dream!”

One hundred personalities of the Black community have already posted their statements on #beiunsauch.

“Anti-Black racism must also be named and fought in Germany,” writes Aminata Touré, vice president of the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein, for example.

Numerous migrant associations support the campaign. “We can’t just look at the United States when it comes to racism. Racist police violence towards people of colour, especially Black people of colour, and racial profiling are also part of the everyday life of Black people in Germany,” says Göcay Gökay Sofuoglu, President of the Turkish Community of Germany (TGD).

Members of the Palestinian community in Berlin showing solidarity with people of African descent at the ‘No to Racism’ demonstration in Berlin on Saturday/Photo: Femi Awoniyi


“Anyone who ‘only’ criticizes racism against Blacks in other countries but remains silent about racism against Blacks here is lying. Racism against Blacks within immigrant communities must also be relentlessly named and fought by us,” says Ali Ertan Toprak, President of the Federation of Immigrant Associations (BAGIV).

Under the hashtag #auchbeiuns, the associations and groups call on their members to describe their racist experiences in Germany on social media. This call was viewed by more than 48,000 people in one day.

About TANG:
With more than 800 member associations and individual members, TANG is the largest federal network of African associations in Germany. TANG informs, advises, strengthens and networks African associations so that they can develop their full potential for shaping the future of our society.

The focus of TANG’s work is to help shape German integration and Africa policy through participation in expert forums and discussion platforms such as the Forum against Racism or the review of the National Action Plan for Integration. TANG also carries out numerous projects with the support of the federal ministries.

More information about TANG at:

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