Matching African start-ups with German companies in Berlin – Don’t Miss!!

The Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is hosting the Start-up Night! Africa on 26 October in Berlin. This will be a networking and matchmaking event, bringing together digital African start-ups and German start-ups and established companies.

Are you interested in broadening your network? If so, do make the most of this opportunity and be a part of the Start-up Night! Africa.

The evening’s programme includes:

  • The welcome address will be delivered by Brigitte Zypries, Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, and the keynote speech by Melanie Hawken, Founder and CEO of Lionesses of Africa
  • Pitches by African start-ups that offer creative solutions for the German market
  • Pitches by German start-ups that have developed attractive business models for Africa
  • Pitches by established German companies that would like to work together with African start-ups
  • Poster and networking session with these companies and with other companies and institutions.


Are you a digital start-up entrepreneur from Africa looking to conquer the German market? Are you a German start-up with innovative, digital ideas for the African continent? If so, you can apply to make a pitch or for a place at the poster session.

Established companies

Are you representing an established company, business association or institution wishing to present your profile to other players as part of the poster session? Please send a one-pager presenting your organisation and why you are applying along with your registration to


The evening is designed to be an accessible event. If you have any questions or need assistance at the event, please contact the organisers at

Participation in the event is free of charge.

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