“I am Germany too”

Deutschlandstiftung Integration is promoting an open Germany with its campaign #AuchichbinDeutschland (literally: I am Germany too). The initiative aims to show that many people are not seen as Germans because they look “different” or have “unusual names” – although they were born and grew up in Germany.

The campaign uses testimonials, in which people talk about everyday racism and their sense of belonging to Germany, to promote greater diversity and stimulate discussion. At the same time, it makes it clear that the attribution criteria people use often no longer reflect the demographic reality.

The campaign advertisement recently appeared in cinemas. The idea was conceived a year ago by Deutschlandstiftung Integration and scholarship holders of the foundation’s support programme for young, talented people with an immigrant background.

“Equal opportunities in access to education, employment and participation in society are the basis for successful integration,” explains the foundation. “Our activities aim to inform about integration, eliminate prejudices, educate people and network those involved.”Several hundred people have already contributed to the #AuchichbinDeutschland campaign through social media.

© Deutschland Magazin

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