More foreign vocational qualifications recognised in Germany

The number of vocational qualifications acquired abroad and recognised in Germany continued to rise in 2021, according to the latest official statistics. Most of the positive decisions were for medical professions and degrees

More foreign professional qualifications were recognised in Germany last year. This was particularly the case in the medical professions, as the Federal Statistical Office reported in Wiesbaden on Thursday.

In 2021, a total of 46,900 vocational qualifications acquired abroad were recognised nationwide as fully or to a limited extent equivalent to a qualification acquired in Germany. This was five per cent more recognitions than in 2020 (44,800), when the number had also increased by five per cent compared to the previous year.

As in previous years, medical professions accounted for about two thirds (31,400) of all recognised vocational qualifications in 2021.

The list of the most frequently recognised professions has not changed compared to the previous year: It continues to be led by the profession of health care worker and nurse with 16,000 recognitions. Doctors followed at a considerable distance with 8,200, then the professions of engineer (2,200), teacher (1,700) and educator with 1,300 recognitions.

In 2021, professional qualifications from more than 170 countries were recognised as fully or to a limited extent equivalent to a qualification acquired in Germany. 10,500 qualifications were recognised in other EU Member States. In terms of individual countries, applications from Bosnia and Herzegovina (4,400), the Philippines (3,500) and Serbia (2,900) received the most positive decisions.

The Service Center for Professional Recognition (Zentrale Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung or ZSBA) offers advice to migrants on how to get their qualifications recognised in Germany and supports them in the recognition procedure. The centre also advises potential migrants on employment opportunities in Germany.

The website of the ZSBA is:

Vivian Asamoah

READ ALSO New centre in Germany facilitates recognition of foreign qualifications

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