New online portal for migrants and refugees in Germany goes live

It’s always easier and more convenient to enjoy a new country when you have a tour guide.

You hardly miss your way going around since you are led by an experienced person who knows the nooks and crannies of the place.

This is exactly what an association of journalists called “Neue deutsche Medienmacher” (New German Media Professionals) would like to be for newcomers to Germany, a tour guide.

They have created an online portal, in four languages including English, to cater to the information needs of those who have recently arrived in the country to live, study, seek refuge or spend their vacation.

The website (, which recently went live, is truly a tour guide into German society as it provides the basic information that a newcomer needs to be able to find their way around.

Ms Aydan Özoğuz, Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (3rd from left) at the presentation of the online portal in Berlin recently / Photo: © Neue Deutsche Medienmacher introduces you to German laws and your rights. It explains legal issues such as the registration obligation, right of residence, family reunification and asylum, but also the common rules which are important in everyday life such as traffic regulations which you should consider even when you’re on a bicycle or walking. also provides important news useful for refugees in addition to addresses such as where they can learn German, apply for permits etc. was made by people with migration experience and it shows in how the website, which also employs videos to deliver important lessons, is structured. It really speaks to the needs of those new in the country.

Deutsche Telekom and Adobe partnered with New German Media Professionals to realize the laudable project, which is financed by the Office of the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration.

Nelly Sarpong 

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