TANG: Please help to stop the spread of Coronavirus!

The African Network of Germany (TANG), a network of more than 700 African associations and individual members in Germany, is currently carrying out a campaign to provide information about the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) to Africans living in the country.

Dr Sylvie Nantcha, chairman of TANG, said the organisation launched the awareness and sensitisation campaign as its contribution to national efforts to contain the spread of the disease.

The action tagged Coronavirus TANG #Telefonaktion, which kicked off on Tuesday, 17 March, mobilises community associations to inform their members properly about the coronavirus pandemic and the efforts of the government to curtail it and the responsibility of each of us in the war against the unseen enemy.

Dr Sylvie Nantcha /Photo: Courtesy of Sylvie Nantcha


TANG has meanwhile published video messages in different languages to support the campaign. Following is the message of Dr Nantcha to the African community:


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you today in the name of TANG, The African Network of Germany, with an important message:

Please help to stop the spread of Coronavirus!

Please protect yourself, your children, your families, your relatives, your friends, your neighbours!

We’re providing you important information about Coronavirus from the Federal Government and the Robert-Koch-Institute (Germany’s centre for disease control) in this video.

The situation is serious: Up to 10 million people could be infected in Germany, warns Robert-Koch-Institute.

This is how you can protect yourself and other people from the Coronavirus:

– Don’t shake hands
– Don’t hug
– Keep a safe distance (about 1.5m) from other people.
– When you cough, please cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow
– When you sneeze, do so into a tissue. Throw away the tissue immediately and wash your hands
– Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds with running water and soap, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
– Only sick people have to wear masks
– Stay at home if you’re sick
– The healthy should also reduce their social contacts. Stay at home.

All schools and kindergartens are closed. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, all events are cancelled all over the country

This is how you recognise the Coronavirus disease

The symptoms of the disease are:
• Cough,
• Sore Throat,
• Shortness of breath,
• Fever,
• and Blocked Nose
Some have running stomach too

If you experience these symptoms of the disease, call your house doctor or the emergency number 116 117.

Do not go to your doctor, the clinic or hospital for now. You can infect other people there. Stay at home but call the above number immediately. Don’t meet other people.

To slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the Federal Government has ordered the following measures:

∙ Bars, clubs, theatres, fairs, cinemas, zoos, sports facilities and swimming pools are closed
∙ Visiting playgrounds is prohibited.
∙ Please do not send your children to playgrounds. It is prohibited.
∙ Prohibited as well are gatherings in clubs, sports clubs, adult education centres, music schools or similar facilities.
∙ Gatherings in churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious communities are also not allowed. 
∙ Restaurants are closed. This does not apply to the delivery and collection of take-away meals for consumption at home.
∙Visits to hospitals and nursing homes are only allowed in exceptional cases.

Supermarkets, pharmacies, drugstores, petrol stations, banks, delivery services, post offices, dry cleaners and pet stores are open.

If you want to take part in the TANG telephone campaign, please send this video to at least ten people and inform us at info@tang-ev.de

Stay healthy!



Click HERE for the English-language video of the Coronavirus TANG #Telefonaktion

Click HERE for the Pidgin English-language video of the Coronavirus TANG #Telefonaktion

Click HERE for the Igbo-language video of the Coronavirus TANG #Telefonaktion


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