Tens of thousands demonstrate against nationalism in Europe ahead of elections

A week before the European elections, tens of thousands turned out in Berlin on Sunday to demonstrate against nationalism and for a Europe of solidarity. With its motto “A Europe for all”, rallies also took place in other German and European cities.

One week before the European elections, thousands of people protested peacefully against nationalism and exclusion in central Berlin on Sunday. The organizer estimates that around 20,000 people participated at the rally. Together they moved from Alexanderplatz to the Victory Column in Tiergarten. The slogan of the rally was “A Europe for all – your vote against nationalism!”

The demonstration‘s aim is to mobilise voters for the European elections, at which right-wing populists and eurosceptics are predicted to make big gains. The protest called for an inclusive Europe and urged citizens to turn out in large numbers to vote at the elections.

The rallies are part of a Europe-wide day of protest, to which more than 250 organizations and initiatives have called – including Pro Asyl, Nature Friends of Germany, Paritätische Gesamtverband, non-governmental organizations Attac and Campact, the German Trade Union Confederation Berlin-Brandenburg, the Evangelical Church and the Centre for Political Beauty.

The European elections hold between 23 and 26 May 2019, giving all adult EU citizens the opportunity to select who will represent them in the European Parliament. A total of 751 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) currently represent more than 512 million people from 28 member states of the EU.

Sola Jolaoso

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