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Swazi opposition politician on what Africa can learn from Gambia’s election

After 22 years of authoritarian rule, Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh conceded defeat at the country’s elections on 1 December. We can learn from The Gambia that we are stronger united than divided, says Swazi activist Bheki Dlamini. Swaziland and The Gambia are two of Africa’s smallest nations, both less than 20,000 square km and with populations below 2 million. Both …

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Gambia: Army chief pledges allegiance to President-elect

Gambia’s army chief has pledged allegiance to President-elect Adama Barrow, Barrow’s spokeswoman has said, reinforcing hopes that the tiny West African nation will see its first peaceful change of power in more than half a century. A self-made real estate developer who once worked as a security guard at retailer Argos in London, Barrow beat incumbent Yahya Jammeh in last …

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German Chancellor Merkel calls for ban on the burka

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a ban on the burka in public life “wherever possible” during her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party congress in Essen, officially launching her election campaign to hold on to Germany’s Chancellery. Speaking to sustained applause from her CDU delegates, Merkel said the full-face veil worn by some Muslim women in Germany was …

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