Ukraine: EU Parliament group demands protection for women and girls

Members of the European Parliament voted on Thursday 5 May 2022 in Strasbourg to support women and girls, victims of the war in Ukraine. According to intelligence reports, the Russian army is increasingly using rape, sexual harassment and torture as weapons of war against civilians in Ukraine. 90% of Ukrainian refugees are women and girls.

Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, MEP, Greens/EFA substitute member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality and shadow rapporteur of the resolution, commented:
“We deeply condemn gender-based violence and rape as a weapon of war. The EU must provide women and girls who have fled Ukraine with full support and access to all sexual and reproductive health services and rights. The EU must address the many cases of trafficking in women, gender-based violence and other forms of discrimination, particularly against Black and/or African, Roma, Asian and Arab women and girls, at its borders. We demand that the border countries of Poland, Hungary and Slovakia guarantee access to contraception and legal abortion services to support women and girls.”

The Greens/European Free Alliance is a European parliamentary group composed of Greens, EFA (representing stateless nations and disadvantaged minorities), Pirates, independents, environmentalists and animal welfare activists.

The Green/EFA Group has 75 MEPs (39 women and 36 men) from 16 countries and 5 regions. It is the fourth largest group in the European Parliament. The German Green Group “Die Grünen” has 21 MEPs. The Parliament has a total of 705 MEPs from 27 EU Member States.

Pia Kohorst, Press and media consultant Greens/EFA

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